以下是Williams大学的一次MATH 355 Commutative Rings抽象代数作业更多的经典案例请参阅以往案例,关于abstract algebra的更多的以往案例可以参阅相关文章。abstract algebra代写请认准UpriviateTA.
a & 0 & 0 \\
0 & a & 0 \\
b & c & a
You may assume that the standard laws for addition and multiplication of matrices are valid.
(b) Find all units of $R$, and all nilpotent elements of $R$.
Solution: It is clear that the set is closed under addition, and the following computation checks closure under multiplication.
a & 0 & 0 \\
0 & a & 0 \\
b & c & a
x & 0 & 0 \\
0 & x & 0 \\
y & z & x
a x & 0 & 0 \\
0 & a x & 0 \\
b x+a y & c x+a z & a x
Because of the symmetry $a \leftrightarrow x, b \leftrightarrow y, c \leftrightarrow z$, the above computation also checks commutativity.
Solution: Four of the matrices in $R$ have 1’s on the diagonal, and these are invertible since their determinant is nonzero. Squaring each of the other four matrices gives the zero matrix, and so they are nilpotent.
Solution: Let $\phi: \mathbf{Z}_{120} \rightarrow \mathbf{Z}_{42}$ be a ring homomorphism. The additive order of $\phi(1)$ must be a divisor of $\operatorname{gcd}(120,42)=6$, so it must belong to the subgroup $7 \mathbf{Z}_{42}=\{0,7,14,21,28,35\} .$ Furthermore, $\phi(1)$ must be idempotent, and it can be checked that in $7 \mathbf{Z}_{42}$, only $0,7,21,28$ are idempotent.
If $\phi(1)=7$, then the image is $7 \mathbf{Z}_{42}$ and the kernel is $6 \mathbf{Z}_{120}$. If $\phi(1)=21$, then the image is $21 \mathbf{Z}_{42}$ and the kernel is $2 \mathbf{Z}_{120}$. If $\phi(1)=28$, then the image is $14 \mathbf{Z}_{42}$ and the kernel is $3 \mathbf{Z}_{120}$.
Solution: The answer is no. The argument can be given using either addition or multiplication. Addition in the two rings is different, since the additive group of $\mathbf{Z}_{9}$ is cyclic, while that of $\mathbf{Z}_{3} \oplus \mathbf{Z}_{3}$ is not. Multiplication is also different, since in $\mathbf{Z}_{9}$ there is a nonzero solution to the equation $x^{2}=0$, while in $\mathbf{Z}_{3} \oplus \mathbf{Z}_{3}$ there is not. $\left(\operatorname{In} \mathbf{Z}_{9}\right.$ let $x=3$, while in $\mathbf{Z}_{3} \oplus \mathbf{Z}_{3}$ the equation
$(a, b)^{2}=(0,0)$ implies $a^{2}=0$ and $b^{2}=0$, and then $a=0$ and $\left.b=0 .\right)$
Find all maximal ideals, and all prime ideals, of $\mathbf{Z}_{36}=\mathbf{Z} / 36 \mathbf{Z}$.
Solution: If $P$ is a prime ideal of $\mathbf{Z}_{36}$, then $\mathbf{Z}_{36} / P$ is a finite integral domain, so it is a field, and hence $P$ is maximal. Thus we only need to find the maximal ideals of $\mathbf{Z}_{36}$. The lattice of ideals of $\mathbf{Z}_{36}$ is exactly the same as the lattice of subgroups, so the maximal ideals of $\mathbf{Z} 36$ correspond to the prime divisors of
36. The maximal ideals of $\mathbf{Z}_{36}$ are thus $2 \mathbf{Z}_{36}$ and $3 \mathbf{Z}_{36}$.
An alternate approach we can use Proposition 5.3.7, which shows that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the ideals of $\mathbf{Z} / 36 \mathbf{Z}$ and the ideals of $\mathrm{Z}$ that contain $36 \mathbf{Z}$. In $\mathbf{Z}$ every ideal is principal, so the relevant ideals correspond to the divisors of 36 . Again, the maximal ideals that contain $36 \mathbf{Z}$ are $2 \mathbf{Z}$ and $3 \mathbf{Z}$, and these correspond to $2 \mathbf{Z}_{36}$ and $3 \mathbf{Z}_{36}$.
Let $R$ be any commutative ring with identity 1 .
(a) Show that if $e$ is an idempotent element of $R$, then $1-e$ is also idempotent.
Solution: We have $(1-e)^{2}=(1-e)(1-e)=1-e-e+e^{2}=1-e-e+e=1-e$.
(b) Show that if $e$ is idempotent, then $R \cong R e \oplus R(1-e)$.
Solution: Note that $e(1-e)=e-e^{2}=e-e=0 .$ Define $\phi: R \rightarrow R e \oplus R(1-e)$ by $\phi(r)=($ re,$r(1-e))$, for all $r \in R$. Then $\phi$ is one-to-one since if $\phi(r)=\phi(s)$, then $r e=s e$ and $r(1-e)=s(1-e)$, and adding the two equations gives $r=s .$ Furthermore, $\phi$ is onto, since for any element $(a e, b(1-e))$ we have $(a e, b(1-e))=\phi(r)$ for $r=a e+b(1-e) .$ Finally, it is easy to check that $\phi$ preserves addition, and for any $r, s \in R$ we have $\phi(r s)=(r s e, r s(1-e))$ and $\phi(r) \phi(s)=(r e, r(1-e))(s e, s(1-e))=\left(r s e^{2}, r s(1-e)^{2}\right)=(r s e, r s(1-e))$
abstract algebra代写请认准UpriviateTA. UpriviateTA为您的留学生涯保驾护航。
Math 152 lab
MATH 355
Abstract AlgebraFall 2021 (also offered Spring 2022)
Division III Quantative/Formal Reasoning
Class Details
Algebra gives us tools to solve equations. The integers, the rationals, and the real numbers have special properties which make algebra work according to the circumstances. In this course, we generalize algebraic processes and the sets upon which they operate in order to better understand, theoretically, when equations can and cannot be solved. We define and study abstract algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields, as well as the concepts of factor group, quotient ring, homomorphism, isomorphism, and various types of field extensions. This course introduces students to abstract rigorous mathematics.The Class:Format: lecture
Limit: 30
Expected: 20
Class#: 1322
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation:Problem sets and examsPrerequisites:MATH 250 or permission of instructorEnrollment Preferences:Students who have officially declared a major that requires Math 355.Distributions:Division IIIQuantative/Formal ReasoningQFR Notes:300-level math course