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set theory代写

Version 1
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You may use any result proved from the lecture notes, unless you are speci cally
asked to prove it. In all questions, marks are given for the quality of the
explanations of the answers, rather than the answers themselves. Work in ZF
unless otherwise speci ed.

Problem 1.

(i) Give an example, not appearing in the lecture notes, of a partial order
which is not linear.
(ii) Give an example of a linear order (L,) for which there are infinitely many order-isomorphisms f:(L,)(L,).
iii) Is there any ordinal α>1 which is dense in itself?
iv) Can an ordinal be order-isomorphic to a non-well-founded linear order?

Proof .

Problem 2.

In this question and + denote ordinal addition and multiplication.
(i) Let us say that an ordinal α is even if there is an ordinal β such that
α=2β. Also, let us say that an ordinal α is odd if there is an ordinal
β such that α=(2β)+1. Prove that an ordinal is even if and only
if it is not odd.
(ii) Is it true that α<2α for every nonzero ordinal α ? (iii) Find an example of an ordinal α such that 2α<α2. (iv) Prove that α<α+β holds for all ordinals α,β such that β>0.

Proof .

Problem 3.

Let T=ω2 be the set of all sequences s:n0,1, for nω
and let Φ:Tω be a bijection. Given any function b:ω2, let Xb=Φ(bn)n<ωT. Let \mathcal{A}=\left{X_{b} \mid b: \omega \longrightarrow 2\right}
(i) Prove that A is not a mad family of subsets of ω.
(ii) (Working in ZFC ) Prove that there is a mad family BP(ω) with |B|=20
iii) Prove that if BP(ω) is a mad family, then there is some Xω
such that

  • YX is infinite for every YB and
  • there is a mad family BP(ω) such that XB.

Problem 4.

(i) Prove that the following statements are equivalent.
(a) AC
(b) V=κ Card H(κ)
(ii) (Working in ZFC) Prove that there is a family of functions Fωω satisfying both of (a) and (b) below.
(a) For any two distinct f,gF there are only finitely many nω
such that f(n)=g(n).
(b) Given any function f:ωω there is some gF such that g(n)=f(n) for infinitely many nω.
iii) Prove, in ZF, that if a set X has the property that aOrd for every aX, then X has a choice function.

Categories: 数学代写