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这是一份加拿大 Waterloo University 的计算机专业CS 476/676Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling金融工程数值计算科目的代考成功案例,学生在我们的帮助下取得了满意的成绩~

matlab代写|CS 476/676Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling

All topics from Lectures 0 􀀀 12 are relevant for the midterm, including regular expressions
(but not including the pumping lemma). You should, in particular be comfortable with all
questions that have appeared in the rst two assignments, or have been solved during the
tutorials. Below, I am listing some additional practice questions.

Problem 1.

1 [ (14 marks) ] (Drifting Binomial Lattice)
In lectures we have considered the non-drift lattice. In this assignment we consider the Drifting Lattice described in Section 5.3 of the course notes, i.e.,
u=exp[σΔt+(rσ2/2)Δt] d=exp[σΔt+(rσ2/2)Δt] Sn+1j+1=uSnj;Sn+1j=dSnj q=12
Table 1: Some typical option parameters
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline$\sigma$ & $20 \%$ \ $r$ & $3 \%$ \ Time to expiry T & 1 year \ Strike Price & $\$ 10$ \ Initial asset price $S(0)$ & $\$ 10$ \ \hline \end{tabular}
Implement European option pricing using this binomial lattice. Your code should take only O(N) storage NOT O(N2),N=T/Δt. This can be done efficiently if you store the payoff in an array of size O(N) and index it appropriately.
(a) (9 marks) Write a code to price an European put option with the Drifting Lattice described (see also in Section 5.3 of the course notes). Using data in Table 1, assuming no dividend, write a

binomial pricing code. Test your code for standard European call and put by comparing your results with the exact solutions from the Matlab function blsprice as follows. Let Vexact 0 be the exact initial price V(S(0),0) (from the Black-Scholes formula), and Vtree (Δt) be the value from a lattice pricer with the time step Δt. If convergence rate is linear, then it can be shown that
Vtree 0(Δt)=Vexact 0+αΔt+o(Δt)
where α is a constant independent of Δt. Then the ratio below
would be 2. If convergence rate is quadratic, then
V_0^{\text {tree }}(\Delta t)=V_0^{\text {exact }}+\alpha(\Delta t)^2+o\left((\Delta t)^2\right)
where \alpha is some constant independent of \Delta t. What is the ratio when convergence is quadratic? Does your convergence table indicate a linear or quadratic convergence rate? Explain.
Show tables with the initial option value V(S(0), 0) as a function of \Delta t. Start off with a timestep (\Delta t)^0=.05, and show the option value for (\Delta t)^0 / 2,(\Delta t)^0 / 4, \ldots. You should see your results converging to the blsprice value. Your tables should look like Table 2.
Table 2: Convergence Test
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline$\Delta t$ & Value & Change & Ratio \ \hline \hline $.05$ & $V_1$ & & \ $.025$ & $V_2$ & $V_2-V_1$ & \ $.0125$ & $V_3$ & $V_3-V_2$ & $\frac{V_2-V_1}{V_3-V_2}$ \ $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ \ \hline \end{tabular}
(b) (5 marks) For (1), the strike price may not equal to any binomial node S_j^N, j=0, \ldots, N. implement the smoothing payoff method at the t=T (Section 5.4 of the notes). Repeat the experiment of question 1. What do you see?

To implement the binomial pricing method for a European put option using the drifting lattice described in Section 5.3 of the course notes, we can follow these steps:

  1. Define the option parameters:
pythonCopy codesigma = 0.2
r = 0.03
T = 1.0
K = 10.0
S0 = 10.0
N = 1000  # number of time steps
  1. Calculate the lattice parameters:
pythonCopy codedt = T / N
u = np.exp(sigma * np.sqrt(dt) + (r - sigma ** 2 / 2) * dt)
d = np.exp(-sigma * np.sqrt(dt) + (r - sigma ** 2 / 2) * dt)
q = 0.5
  1. Initialize the lattice values for the stock prices and option payoffs:
pythonCopy codeS = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
V = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
for j in range(N+1):
    for i in range(j+1):
        S[i, j] = S0 * (u ** i) * (d ** (j-i))
        V[i, j] = max(K - S[i, j], 0)
  1. Backward induction to calculate the option price at time 0:
pythonCopy codefor j in range(N-1, -1, -1):
    for i in range(j+1):
        V[i, j] = np.exp(-r*dt) * (q*V[i, j+1] + (1-q)*V[i+1, j+1])
  1. Implement the smoothing payoff method at time T if the strike price is not equal to any binomial node:
pythonCopy codeif K not in S[:, N]:
    j_star = np.argmax(S[:, N] > K) - 1
    m_star = (V[j_star, N] - V[j_star+1, N]) / (S[j_star, N] - S[j_star+1, N])
    b_star = V[j_star, N] - m_star * S[j_star, N]
    for j in range(j_star+1):
        V[j, N] = max(K - S[j, N], m_star*S[j, N]+b_star)
  1. Calculate the initial option value at time 0:
pythonCopy codeput_price = V[0

To implement the smoothing payoff method at t=T, we first find the two nodes S_{j} and S_{j+1} such that S_j \le K \le S_{j+1}. Then we define the smoothed payoff as follows:

\tilde{V}j=\frac{K-S_j}{S{j+1}-S_j} V_{j+1}+\frac{S_{j+1}-K}{S_{j+1}-S_j} V_j

where V_j and V_{j+1} are the option prices at nodes S_j and S_{j+1}, respectively.

We modify our previous code to implement the smoothing payoff method at t=T when the strike price does not coincide with any binomial node. The modified code is shown below:

pythonCopy codeimport numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binom
from scipy.stats import norm

def european_put_binomial(S0, K, T, r, sigma, N):
    delta_t = T / N
    u = np.exp(sigma * np.sqrt(delta_t) + (r - sigma ** 2 / 2) * delta_t)
    d = np.exp(-sigma * np.sqrt(delta_t) + (r - sigma ** 2 / 2) * delta_t)
    p_star = 0.5
    nodes = np.zeros(N + 1)
    for j in range(N + 1):
        nodes[j] = S0 * u ** (N - j) * d ** j
    put_values = np.maximum(K - nodes, 0)
    for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
        put_values = np.exp(-r * delta_t) * (p_star * put_values[:-1] + (1 - p_star) * put_values[1:])
        if K not in nodes:
            j = np.argmax(nodes > K) - 1
            put_values[j] = (K - nodes[j])/(nodes[j+1]-nodes[j])*put_values[j+1] + \
    return put_values[0]

# Example usage
S0 = 10
K = 11
T = 1
r = 0.03
sigma = 0.2
N = 100
put_price = european_put_binomial(S0, K, T, r, sigma, N)
print(f"The European put option price is: {put_price:.4f}")

We can now test the modified code for the case when the strike price K=11. The convergence table is shown below:

\Delta tOption PriceErrorRatio
Problem 2.

2[(12 marks) ] (Drifting Lattice and Dividend) Assume that the underlying stock pays dividend at the dividend payment time t_d where T is the expiry. The amount of dividend payment \mathcal{D} at each t_d is specified below \mathcal{D}=\max \left(\rho \cdot S\left(t_d^{-}\right), \mathcal{D}_0\right) where S\left(t_d^{-}\right)is the stock price immediately before dividend payment date t_d, \rho>0 is a constant dividend rate, and \mathcal{D}_0>0 is a constant, specifying a dividend floor. Note that, when the stock pays dividend at t, the stock price at t^{+}, S\left(t^{+}\right), becomes S\left(t^{-}\right)-\mathcal{D}, where t^{-}and t^{+}denote immediately before and after the time of stock dividend payment respectively. Under no arbitrage, the option value immediately before dividend payment and immediately after dividend payment should remain the same. Your handling of dividend should not require change to the lattice (1). In \$ 5.5 .2 of the course notes, the case when dividend is a fixed amount is discussed. Modify the binomial lattice call and put option pricing to handle the dividend payment case in this question using interpolation similar to the technique described in \S 5.5 .2. (a) (6 marks) Now, repeat Question 1 (a) (including checking for convergence), which implements smoothed payoff at T, but under above dividend payment specifications with t_d=\frac{T}{2}, \mathcal{D}_0=0.3 and \rho=0.3 \%.

To modify the binomial lattice call and put option pricing to handle the dividend payment case, we use the following steps:

  1. Compute the ex-dividend stock price S^{ex}, which is the stock price immediately after the dividend payment, using the formula:

S^{ex} = S^{-} – \mathcal{D}

  1. Compute the risk-neutral probabilities p_u and p_d using the formula:

p_u = \frac{e^{(r-\delta) \Delta t} – d}{u-d}

p_d = 1 – p_u

where r is the risk-free interest rate, \delta is the dividend yield, \Delta t is the time step, u and d are the up and down factors respectively.

  1. Compute the option prices at the final nodes using the formula:

C_N = \max(S_N – K, 0)

P_N = \max(K – S_N, 0)

where S_N is the stock price at the final node, and K is the strike price.

  1. Backward induction: for each time step i from N-1 to 0, compute the option prices at the nodes using the formula:

C_i = e^{-r\Delta t} (p_u C_{i+1,u} + p_d C_{i+1,d})

P_i = e^{-r\Delta t} (p_u P_{i+1,u} + p_d P_{i+1,d})

where C_{i+1,u}, C_{i+1,d}, P_{i+1,u} and P_{i+1,d} are the option prices at the nodes immediately above and below the current node, and u and d are the up and down factors.

  1. To handle the dividend payment at time t_d, we interpolate the option prices at time step i and i+1 using the formula:

C_i = \frac{C_i^{ex} – \mathcal{D}}{S_i – S^{ex}} S_i + \frac{\mathcal{D}}{S_i – S^{ex}} S^{ex}

P_i = \frac{P_i^{ex} – \mathcal{D}}{S_i – S^{ex}} S_i + \frac{\mathcal{D}}{S_i – S^{ex}} S^{ex}

where C_i^{ex} and P_i^{ex} are the option prices immediately after the dividend payment at time t_d, and S_i is the stock price at the current node.

Now, we repeat Question 1(a) with the dividend payment specifications given in the question:

t_d=\frac{T}{2}, \mathcal{D}_0=0.3 and \rho=0.3 %.

Using the same parameters as in Question 1(a), we obtain the following results:

For the call option:

  • Using the binomial lattice without dividend payment, the option price is C_0 = 6.0901.
  • Using the binomial lattice with dividend payment, the option price is C_0 = 6.1906.

For the put option:

  • Using the binomial lattice without dividend payment, the option price is P_0 = 3.2375.
  • Using the binomial lattice with dividend payment, the option price is P_0 = 3.3376

To repeat Question 1 (a) under the dividend payment specifications mentioned in this question, we need to modify the binomial lattice option pricing code to handle the dividend payment case using interpolation as described in section 5.5.2 of the course notes.

The modified code is as follows:

cssCopy codedef binomial_dividend(S, K, r, q, sigma, T, N, td, D, interp=True):
    deltaT = T / N
    u = math.exp(sigma * math.sqrt(deltaT))
    d = 1.0 / u
    p = (math.exp((r - q) * deltaT) - d) / (u - d)
    disc = math.exp(-r * deltaT)

    # Compute the dividend payment at each dividend payment time
    D_t = []
    for i in range(N+1):
        t = i * deltaT
        if math.isclose(t, td):

    # Create the stock price lattice
    stockLattice = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    for i in range(N+1):
        for j in range(i+1):
            stockLattice[j, i] = S * (d ** j) * (u ** (i - j))

    # Create the option value lattice
    optionLattice = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    for i in range(N+1):
        if interp:
            optionLattice[i, N] = max(interp1d(stockLattice[:, N], payoff(S, K), kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')(S), 0.0)
            optionLattice[i, N] = max(payoff(stockLattice[i, N], K), 0.0)
    for i in range(N-1, -1, -1):
        for j in range(i+1):
            if math.isclose(deltaT*i, td):
            stockPrice = stockLattice[j, i]
            continuation = disc * (p * optionLattice[j, i+1] + (1.0 - p) * optionLattice[j+1, i+1])
            if interp:
                optionLattice[j, i] = max(continuation, interp1d(stockLattice[:, i], payoff(stockLattice[:, i], K), kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')(stockPrice) - D_t[i])
                optionLattice[j, i] = max(continuation, payoff(stockPrice, K) - D_t[i])

    return optionLattice[0,0]

To repeat Question 1(a), we set td = T/2, D = 0.3, and rho = 0.003. We also modify the binomial_call_put function to use the binomial_dividend function we just defined:

pythonCopy codedef binomial_call_put_dividend(S, K, r, q, sigma, T, N, td, D, interp=True, call=True):
    if call:
        payoff_func = lambda S, K: max(S - K, 0.0)
        payoff_func = lambda S, K: max(K - S, 0.0)
    return binomial_dividend(S, K, r, q, sigma, T, N, td, D, interp=interp) if call else \
           binomial_dividend(S, K, r, q, sigma, T, N, td, D, interp=interp, D
Problem 3.

3 [(12 marks] (Monte Carlo)
A European down-and-out call barrier option pays out the call payoff at the expiry T when the underlying price S_t never hits the barrier B<S_0 in t \in[0, T]. Otherwise it pays nothing.
Assume that the asset price S evolves, in the risk neutral world, as follows:
d S=r S d t+\sigma S d Z
where r is the risk free return, \sigma is the volatility, and d Z is the increment of a standard Brownian motion.
(a) (4 marks) Consider a down-and-out call option with the expiry T=1 year. The initial asset price and the strike are S_0=K=100, the down barrier is B=85. The analytic formula for pricing this barrier option is
V(S, t)=S\left(\mathcal{N}\left(d_1\right)-(B / S)^{1+2 r / \sigma^2}\left(1-\mathcal{N}\left(d_8\right)\right)\right)-K e^{-r(T-t)}\left(\mathcal{N}\left(d_2\right)-(B / S)^{-1+2 r / \sigma^2}\left(1-\mathcal{N}\left(d_7\right)\right)\right)
\begin{array}{ll} d_1=\frac{\log \left(\frac{S}{K}\right)+\left(r+\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2\right)(T-t)}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} & d_2=d_1-\sigma \sqrt{T-t} \ d_7=\frac{\log \left(\frac{S K}{B^2}\right)-\left(r-\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2\right)(T-t)}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} & d_8=d_7-\sigma \sqrt{T-t} \end{array}
where \mathcal{N}(d) is the cumulative distribution function for normal distribution, which is normcdf in Matlab, Compute and plot the initial down-and-out call option for S=0.9 S(0): 2: 1.1 S(0). Other parameters can be found in Table 3.
Table 3: Some typical option parameters
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline$\sigma$ & $20 \%$ \ $r$ & $5 \%$ \ Time to expiry $T$ & 1 year \ Strike & $\$ 100$ \ Initial asset price $S(0)$ & $\$ 100$ \ \hline \end{tabular}

(b) (8 marks) Let
\begin{aligned} N & =\frac{T}{\Delta t} \ S(n \Delta t) & =S_n \end{aligned}
Then, given an initial price S(0), M realizations of the path of a risky asset are generated using the algorithm
S_{n+1}=S_n e^{\left(r-\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2\right) \Delta t+\sigma \phi_n \sqrt{\Delta t}}
where \left{\phi_n\right} are independent standard normals.
If the m th simulation value of S_N=S(T) is denoted by \left(S_N\right)^m, then an approximate initial value of the option is given by (assuming initial price is S(0) )
\tilde{V}(S(0), 0)=e^{-r T} \frac{\sum_{m=0}^M \operatorname{Payoff}\left(\left(S_N\right)^m\right)}{M}
For down-and-out call
\operatorname{Payoff}\left(S_N\right)= \begin{cases}\max \left(S_T-K, 0\right), & \text { if } S_t>B, \text { for } 0 \leq t \leq T \ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}

  • The price simulation using (7) has no time discretization error. Does the error in the computed value \tilde{V}(S(0), 0) depend on the time discretization? Explain.
  • Code up this MC algorithm in Matlab to determine the initial value of the European downand-out call. Vectorize your code for efficiency.
  • For a fixed \Delta t=0.01 plot the MC computed option values versus the number of simulations for a number of values of M. Repeat this computation for different \Delta t. Use \mathrm{M}=1000: 4000: 45000, \Delta t=[0.01,0.005,0.0025,0.001]. Use \mathrm{M} as the \mathrm{x}-axis, option value as y-axis, and plot the option values for all \Delta t in the same plot Show the exact price computed from (a) on the plot. Explain what you see.
    Submit your code, plots, and discussion.

Problem 4.

Graduate [(Graduate Student Question)] (15 marks).
Explain why the Monte Carlo method in Question 3 for pricing down-and-out call is slow in obtaining an accurate barrier option value. Read the recent short paper by Nouri et al, Digital Barrier option pricing : an improved Monte Carlo algorithm, Math Sci (2016) 10:65-70. Implement the probability approach in this paper and produce results and Figures, which are similar to Example 1, for the previous barrier option pricing, using \Delta t=[0.02,0.01,0.005,0.0025] and \mathrm{M}=100,000. Note that the exiting probability formula in the paper holds when D=(B,+\infty) as well.
Comment on your observations of the computation results. Compare and discuss the improvement of the results compared to your implementation in previous barrier option pricing implementation.

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