COM6115: Lab Class 代写

Computing Word Overlap

  1. This week’s lab provides practice in word counting over multiple files. More specifically, we look at computing the level of word overlap between documents as an indicator of document similarity, which might arise in circumstances such as document duplication, text reuse (e.g. plagiarism), or even simply having the same topic.
  2. Download the code/data file (zip) for this lab from Blackboard. Unzipping it gives a folder with files and stop_list.txt. (A stop-list is a list of ‘unimportant’ words – which are often ignored during word counting.) It also contains a subfolder NEWS of short news articles (with names news01. txt, news02. txt, etc).
  3. Rename the starter code file as, and extend it to complete the lab exercises. The script might be called from the command line as follows:
    $>$ python $-s$ stop_list.txt $\mathrm{NEWS} /$ news01. txt $\mathrm{NEWS} /$ news02. txt
    Here, flag -s identifies stop_list.txt as an (optional) stoplist. The subsequent command line arguments (news01.txt and news02.txt) identify the files to be compared. These file names are stored as a list in the variable filenames.

The starter code loads the stoplist, storing its words as a set in the variable stops. This is a good choice of data structure, as it allows fast, hash-based look-up, via a simple test such as “wd in stops”. If the stoplist is not specified, stops will store an empty set, in which case, the same test can be used, but will always return False.

Later, we will want to call the code to take all the files in the NEWS folder as input, but the way to do this depends on the operating system (OS) being used.

UNIX/LINUX/MAC: simply use ‘wildcards’ in the filename, as in the following example:

python -s stop_list.txt NEWS/news??.txt
WINDOWS: the above convenience is not available in the Windows terminal, so the code instead implements it via the – I option, which must be supplied with a pattern to match the file names, as in the following example:
$>$ python $-s$ stop_list. txt -I NEWS/news??, txt

  1. Study the starter code provided, to make sure you understand it. When completed, this code takes the files listed on the command line, and performs a pair-wise comparison, printing out the multiple pairings and their similarity scores. You will see that there are some functions with ‘dummy’ definitions, which you will need to fill out.
  2. First, there is a ‘dummy’ definition for a function count_words. This takes a file name and a ‘stoplist’ as inputs, and returns a dictionary of counts of the words in the document. Counting should ignore any words in the ‘stoplist’ set.

Regarding tokenisation, you might treat the words as being all the maximal alphabetic sequences found in the file (which can readily be extracted from each line with a simple regex, and the regex findall method). To improve overlap, you should convert the text to lowercase, so that different case variants are conflated in counting.

The script overall has a command line option “-p”, to switch on Porter stemming. A function stem_word is defined, to stem individual words. Your code should apply stemming if the “-p” option is present. NOTE: the stoplist has not been stemmed, so words should be checked against the stoplist before stemming is applied.

  1. Secondly, there is a ‘dummy’ definition for a function jaccard, which you should complete. This computes a similarity score for two documents, based on their word-count dictionaries. A command line option “-b” determines the calculation that is done. If it is present, a count-insensitive metric is applied (giving a form of so-called binary term weighting). This simple metric ignores the counts of words in the files, and instead treats each as just a set of word types. For word sets $A$ and $B$, this measure is computed as:
    \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}
    If option “-b” is absent, then a count-sensitive version of a jaccard metric should be computed. In comparing files $A$ and $B$, let $w_{A}$ and $w_{B}$ denote the counts of word $w$ in the two files respectively. The metric is then computed as below (where $\Sigma_{w \in A \cup B}$ here ranges over the full set of terms appearing in either file):
    \frac{\Sigma_{w \in A \cup B} \min \left(w_{A}, w_{B}\right)}{\Sigma_{w \in A \cup B} \max \left(w_{A}, w_{B}\right)}
  2. Having completed the function definitions specified above, you can call it to compare multiple files identified by an appropriate expression (as indicated in part (3) above). Thus, NEWS/news0 [123] . txt picks out files 01..03, whilst NEWS/news0?. txt gets files $01 \ldots 09$, and NEWS/news??. txt gets all files.
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