



以下建议的领域非常广泛。您应该在以下领域中选择一个更专业的课题作为您的项目。请注意,越往下,项目可能越棘手–例如,有些问题可能无法简单地使用 ODEs 来表达。

  • 人口增长/感染(流行病学和人口)
  • 太阳系/轨道整合(天文学)
  • 运动学、碰撞、射弹运动(物理学)
  • 电路建模(工程学/物理学)
  • 静电/重力(物理学、天体物理学)
  • 行星或恒星的结构模型(天体物理学)
  • 反应/相图(热化学)
  • 分子动力学(生物化学)
  • 性状进化(进化生物学)
  • 神经信号/神经元(心理学、神经科学)
  • 扩散模型(材料、物理)[PDE]
  • 经济模型/股票市场(金融)
  • 晶体生长(材料)
  • 凝聚态系统模型(物理学)
    2) 演示计划
    本项目的目标是在 phys-ugrad 上创建一个 $\mathrm{C}++$ 程序,以演示模型问题的解决方案,并证明该程序以某种方式逼近了真实物理系统的行为。您应该在 phys-ugrad 上的主目录下创建名为 project 的目录。您应该在该目录下生成一个 Makefile 文件,以创建可运行的项目。
数学代写|动力系统2G03 Project 2023

我们这次的客户在研究的过程中需要使用matlab或者python画Hopf bifurcation的limit cycle,但是她并不熟悉这些软件的使用,她找到了我们并且在我们老师的帮助下成功完成了极限环的绘制。

2G03 Project 2023
When to start thinking about it: Now (see projectl lecture)
Consult with TA/Lecturer about idea: ASAP
When to start writing code: Anytime, as scon as you get a proposal approved Deadlines:
1) Written Proposal: Oct 6 deadline Sooner is ok – first come first served we give you detailed feedback as they come in
2) In class program demo: mid November
3) Final Write-up Due: last week of class (Dec)
Each student will complete an individual project: designing and writing a program that demonstrates the numerical solution of a scientific problem. The individual projects will be developed over the course of the term and consultation and advice will be readily available. The project consists of several parts:
1) Project proposal (short description)
Firstly the student will select a (scientifically) interesting system or situation that can be solved via a set of ordinary differential equations and then write a proposal that outlines the problem, what the equations are, what the variables in the equations mean, how they might solve it and how they might test their computational version of the system to see if it behaves correctly (i.e. like the real system).

It is expected that projects will identify a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) that can model the chosen system found in a reliable reference. We expect you to write out these equations in your proposal, e.g.
\frac{d G}{d t}=-a G R+b G & \text { Rate of change of Grass, } G \
\frac{d G}{d t}=-b W R+c R G & \text { Rate of change of Rabbits, } R \
\frac{d W}{d t}=-e W+f W R & \text { Rate of change of Wolves, } W

数学代写|动力系统2G03 Project 2023认准UpriviateTA

BS equation代写



