数学代写 随机过程
统计代写|The Wiener process as limit of a random walk
We start considering a symmetric random walker, mo Read more…
数学代写|MATH 300 – Foundations of Mathematics
Problem 1. Prove that if a and b are odd integ Read more…
abstract algebra 抽象代数 数学代写
抽象代数代写|Math 4120 abstract agebra
这是Math 4120,abstract agebra的一次作业分析。 Problem 1. Let Read more…
Partial Differential Equations probability theory 微分方程 数学代写 概率论 随机过程
数学代写|Harmonic functions and Brownian motion
让我们从一个简单的问题开始: \begin{question} How can I prove th Read more…
数学代写 概率论 随机过程
数学代写|poisson process assignment
Definition. Poisson random variable: Here, we brie Read more…